March 8, 2020 Winter Storm Warning (6 Photos)


6.   Since our last snowstorm this past Monday which dumped 25cm wind driven snow, we unfortunately received 17mm rain and a full day of warm temps and wind on Wednesday which really cut down the snowpack. I would estimate we lost about one foot of snow, including pretty much all of last Monday's snowfall.



5.   This weekend brought a forecast for another significant snowfall Saturday evening into Sunday. 



4.   By Sunday lunchtime the storm mostly subsided so I headed out to check the damage! Another 25cm of heavily drifted snow filled in the majority of my driveway once again!





2.   Much the same as last weekend the Eastern side of my driveway was drifted 4-5' high (would have been crazier if it hadn't been for all that rain last week) so I had to break down the drift with a shovel and make multiple passes with the blower.



1.   Hopefully the weather stays cold for a bit so French and I can take advantage of it and get out for another Argo Rip!


Cheers, MIKE

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